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Credible Critical Minerals Advisory

As we enter the new industrial revolution, propelled by the energy transition, the U.S. has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to capitalise on its natural endowments and continue to be a global superpower.


This requires symbiotic cooperation between industry and governments, to ensure that U.S. industry is resilient, agile, and strategically supported in navigating distorted markets. 

The CMA USA brings industry experts together to help governments emplace mechanisms and strategies to support the industry in creating alternative, responsible supply chains

Focus areas:


International competitiveness, agility and supply chain resilience. 

Responsible and sustainable practices across exploration, mining, processing, refining. 

Capturing strategic and commercial value add opportunities. 

Learn how CMA USA supports the Federal, State and like-minded governments.

U.S. Governments


The CMA USA supports the Federal Government and its Departments in understanding the international as well as domestic critical minerals sector, rapidly evolving supply chain complexities and geopolitical implications. 

The Federal Government plays a crucial role in encouraging collaboration between States to ensure the U.S. is united in benefitting from the increased demand for critical minerals, as well as mitigating challenges, cutting red tape, and building sovereign value add capability.


The CMA USA leverages its international network amongst like-minded nations to best position the U.S. industry and the U.S. as a premier destination for value-adding activities and manufacturing.  


The energy transition provides States with a unique opportunity to diversify their industries, upskill the workforce, adopt cleaner energy alternatives, and create multi-generational prosperity for all Americans. 

The CMA USA operates across all States and actively advises on diversification strategies, leveraging existing opportunities and, pragmatically tackling challenges faced by the critical minerals industry and the wider ecosystem. The CMA USA also collaborates with State Governments to promote the States internationally, highlighting opportunities for collaboration and investment. 

Like-minded Governments

The USA's policy landscape and incentives place it favourably to produce the critical minerals and materials necessary for the energy transition, defence, space tech, medical equipment, agriculture, and emerging technologies. 

Increased adoption of renewable energy and an established downstream market places the U.S. as a highly desirable strategic partner. The CMA USA helps like-minded foreign governments to better understand the critical minerals landscape.

The CMA USA actively supports governments in: 

  • Navigating the U.S. Government structure across Federal and State levels 

  • Facilitating bilateral and multilateral roundtables with governments and industry (including upstream, midstream, downstream, and support services)

  • Convening networking events, workshops, webinars, and training courses 

  • Supporting trade missions, delegations, and diplomatic visits 

  • Delivering strategic and specialists projects 

  • Providing advisory on the latest developments in the critical minerals space, politics and geopolitics, and opportunities for collaboration 

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